Empowering Individuals With Developmental Disabilities
IHope Care is a non-profit organization that is established to lend a helping hand and quality services to the less privileged and people with developmental disabilities in our society so that they can attain or maintain a safe and sanitary living condition and maintain a personal cleanliness and activities of daily living so that they will not become helpless in the society.
IHope Care is committed to making sure that our clients acquire knowledge and skills to be valued members of their community based on their own choices by providing training to increase or maintain the client’s self-help, socialization and adaptive skills to participate successfully in their family and in their own community. Also train and support staff that care for vulnerable individuals, whether with disabilities, young, old, or elderly, including Mental health. We consult and link them to their local, appropriate medical facilities or state departments that can help. Training includes how to identify abuse and neglect by their own paid or non-paid caregivers and training the caregivers in different strategies to use for any behavior issues. We also provide nonmedical transportation to and from referral locations.

Developmental Disabilities' Diagnosis Includes


Cerebral Palsy


 Cognitive / Intellectual Disability

Down Syndrome